Celebrating Twelve Years of Racing and Raising Money for Hilltop’s Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Services.
We’re so thankful to have such wonderful support from our community for Hilltop’s Latimer House. Over the years you’ve not only helped raise funds, but also awareness for the vital services for people who have experienced intimate partner violence and sexual assault. Through that funding and awareness we’ve been able to help even more people on the Western Slope in their time of need.
We’ve also experienced growth opportunities and embraced change over the past few years. As we reflect on these changes and the future of Latimer House, and Hilltop as a whole, we feel the Men In Heels Race has run its final heat. We are incredibly grateful for its success and your willingness to come together as a community for a great cause. Now, we feel it’s time to trade in the heels and duct tape for something that better meets the evolving needs of our community.
We’d love to close this chapter in celebration with each of you. You are invited to:

Sign up as an alumni team and fundraise for Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault awareness month in October! The team that raises the most money will win the final fundraising high-heel trophy at the luncheon on October 25th.
The Men In Heels Race was recently voted runner-up for Best Local Fundraising Event by the Daily Sentinel’s Best of the West.

For more information call (970) 244-0422 or email paigec@htop.org
© 2021 Men in Heels Race | All Proceeds Benefit Hilltop Community Resources | Privacy Policy
Hilltop is a nonprofit, 501 (c)(3) organization providing compassionate and comprehensive human services to Western Colorado.